The main goal of project is improvement of the unfavourable or unfavourable-bad conservation status of 11 priority habitats and 3 priority species (with special focus on endemic species) in 25 SCIs (Sites of Community Importance) in the South Bohemia Region of the Czech Republic and 30 SCIs in south of the Slovak Republic. Subjects of protection are in poor condition due to long-term absence of site management, inappropriate management, expansion of invasive plant species, etc.

The project CZ–SK SOUTH LIFE has been fourteenth LIFE project approved in the Czech Republic since 2004. The project gained the highest funding from the European Commission. In additionally the project has the longest duration time.


Gentianella praecox subsp. bohemica

The goal of the project is to optimise the management of 33 ha and increase the size of the habitat by 8.8 ha, i.e. an increase by 50 % when compared with the actual situation. Another goal is to increase the species population by 10 % minimally.

Osmoderma eremita

The goal of the project is to increase the species population by 10 % minimally and increase the size of suitable sites by 20 %. Within the framework of the whole project, more than 1,000 old trees will be treated and other 1,000 trees will be planted. 300 pollard willows will be treated, and 500 willows will be planted.

Carabus menetriesi pacholei

The goal is to increase the size of the species habitat by 20 ha (15 % of the actual size) and to increase the species population also by 15 %.

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Project area

Managements will be implemented on a total of 55 SCIs (25 in the South Bohemian Region and 30 in southern Slovakia)


The Czech Republic

  1. Blatná
  2. Borkovická blata
  3. Čistá hora
  4. Háje
  5. Hlubocké hráze
  6. Hlubocké obory
  7. Horní Malše
  8. Hroby
  9. Jaroškov
  10. Kozlovská stráň
  11. Lužnice a Nežárka
  12. Nerestský lom
  13. Opolenec
  1. Pastvina u Přešťovic
  2. Pláničský rybník-Bobovec
  3. Pohoří na Šumavě
  4. Rašeliniště Kapličky
  5. Sokolí hnízdo a bažantnice
  6. Svatý Kříž
  7. Šumava
  8. Tejmlov - Nad Zavírkou
  9. Úbislav
  10. Vlašimská Blanice
  11. Vrbenské rybníky
  12. Zlatý potok v Pošumaví

The Slovak Republic

  1. Abov
  2. Alúvium starej Nitry
  3. Biele hory
  4. Burdov
  5. Čenkov
  6. Čiližské močiare
  7. Číčovské luhy
  8. Devínska kobyla
  9. Drieňová hora
  10. Dunaj
  11. Dunajské trstiny
  12. Gavurky
  13. Chotínske piesky
  14. Jurský Chlm
  15. Kamenínske slaniská
  1. Karáb
  2. Kľúčovské rameno
  3. Modrý vrch
  4. Mostová
  5. Nesvadské piesky
  6. Palárikovské lúky
  7. Panské lúky
  8. Pavelské slanisko
  9. Ploská hora
  10. Seleštianska stráň
  11. Starý vrch
  12. Štokeravská vápenka
  13. Šurianske slaniská
  14. Veľkolélsky ostrov
  15. Zobor